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Scroll down to read stories from Singaporean gap year alumni and find out what advice they would like to give to students on a gap year! 

On Gap Years and Crossroads


An anecdote on her 2019 gap year experience in pursuit of career exploration. She raises the reasons why you should and should not take a gap year ,and what you need to do in order to have a productive gap year.

Don't be afraid


In this article, Lea shares about why she decided to reject other offers and take a gap year to reapply into her dream course, what she did to increase her understanding of Physiotherapy and how her gap year made her grow as a person.

​​What being a Gap Year student is like


A really inspiring read written by Benjamin Ang about how he kept himself motivated during his gap years. If you received disapproval for your decision to take a gap year, read this article to understand how Benjamin managed to convince them.

Taking a Gap Year After

A-Levels: 3 Students Share Their Inspiring Stories

An article contributed by about the reasons why they think gap years are a worthy investment. 

Taking A Levels three times to get into Medicine


Check out this article where a senior talks about his story on retaking A Levels to enter into his dream course! It is definitely not an easy thing to do and it requires a lot of motivation and perseverance. He is a living testimonial of the popular quote "When there's a will, there's a way".

The Path Less Travelled


A short article on how to plan for your gap year if you did not get into your desired course/ university.

I got in, but is the course suitable for me?


Most of society still thinks that gap years are for people who cannot get into their desired course/ university. However, did you know, there are many people who willingly take gap years just to explore their interests and understand themselves better?

Read this article written by HT to find out more about her experience.

Life's a marathon and not a rat race

"Gone are the days during our parents’ generation when you need to figure things out as early as possible or you would be deemed as a failure in life."

Taking gap years after NS may seem unconventional, but does that mean it will be a waste of time? Read this article written by Fairoz to find out more about his gap year experience.

Want to share your gap year story? Leave your email below and we will contact you shortly!

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